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May 9th, 2017

The West Wind whispered. "Come this way. There's a sight to see in the magic woods today." We followed where the West Wind blew. Then in the Orangery woods we saw you! The enchanted woods are full of fairies. Magical little createures, nothing scarey! The trees alive and the fairies cheer. Alif, Ayat and Aria cannot wait to see you there!

Author: Faiza Seth

Casa Forma Luxury Interior Design Faiza Seth Founder
Casa Forma Design Childs Pink Fairy Party Dress
Casa Forma Luxury Interior Design Tea Party Long Table
Casa Forma Luxury Interior Design Faiza Seth With Children
Casa Forma Luxury Interior Floral Design


January 19th, 2016

Flowers are the natural art that creates a sense of life in any home. We love working with flowers and plants and think that homes benefit greatly from a touch of the natural.


Today we thought we’d look at choosing the perfect flowers for your home as spring really isn’t too far away!


Choosing a Vase or Pot


Of course the first place to start is choosing something to put flowers or plants in. Vases range from the small and plain to the incredibly ornate and beautiful. Ornate complement flowers to produce a beautiful integrated room feature that can turn even the most drab room into an aesthetic treasure. Pots tend to be much larger and the focus with these tends to be on the plant rather than the aesthetics of its containers.


Choosing Where to Put Flowers


If you regularly have flowers then we recommend putting them in a prominent place. Centrepieces on tables, above fireplaces or on furniture all work wonders with any interior design. Our main advice here is to keep them actually in the room – by windows the view detracts from their beauty and most pre-cut flowers won’t last any longer in direct sunlight.


Flower Colours


There’s a lot of personal preference when it comes to flower types and colours. However, if you’re looking to really compliment your interior design then careful flower selection is essential.


Flowers for White Rooms


For white rooms yellow flowers like sunflowers, daffodils and chrysanthemum really add to the light feel of a room – they evoke strong images of spring and freshness that makes everyone in the house happy.


To create a softer feel pink flowers work spectacularly with pink lilies, roses and chrysanthemum making a nice blend with existing décor.


Flowers for Light Rooms


For pale rooms that use light blue, pinks or non-white light colour we like to use light but rich flowers with soft blues, reds and oranges. Flowers like freesias, lisianthus, pale roses and orchids really match these rooms. They create a nice soft feel that is perfectly complemented by sunlight in the day and candlelight at night.


Flowers for Darker Rooms


If you have a nice dark rich room with deeper colours like red, purple or dark wood then you want to add to that rich comforting feel with any flower choices. In red rooms yellows and purples really add to that enwrapped warm feeling these rooms evoke. In purple rooms yellows and reds achieve the same effect. In dark rooms with a lot of dark wood we prefer lush green plants that perform well in the dark like peace lilies, Pothos and Philodendron. Alternatively bonsai trees can work beautifuly in these rooms create an earthy rich feel.

One of the best parts of flowers is that they are inexpensive to replace. You can experiment easily and often to find something that is the perfect fit for every room in your home.

Author: Carolina Sandri

Casa Forma Luxury Interior Design Flowers On Console Table In Hallway
Casa Forma Luxury Interior Design Flowers On Side Table In Hallway Entrance


January 7th, 2016

Art is one of the most personal aspects of any interior design space. It is a reflection of self that can personalise any space – from the sleek modern apartment to the rustic country cottage. Art encapsulates the full gamut of human emotion and design.

At Casa Forma we are frequently asked to choose art to complement our interior designs but often we work with a client’s favourite pieces to integrate them seamlessly into their design ideas. With that in mind we decided to look at how to integrate art with design.

Choosing Art

When it comes to art you should always abide by the rule “Buy what you love”. However, that said, it is also worth mentioning that the art investment market is booming. Everything from Dali’s to Picasso’s to Banksy’s and Harold Ancart are climbing steadily in capital gains.  For example Zeng Fanzhi’s The Last Supper sold for a record-breaking US$23.3 million at Sotheby’s Hong Kong in 2013



Over the last 6 years the global turnover of art auctions has exceeded doubled the same period previously. In uncertain economic times people have turned to art as another string to the bow of investment portfolios. However, art speculation is inherently risky – some artist’s work soars in value others can drop just as strongly. So choosing something you love regardless of the price tag is a much safer, and ultimately more pleasing, option.

Styles of Art

When it comes to design the style of art you choose is of paramount importance. Classical landscapes for example do not typically work as well with modern or post-modern room designs. However, street art or cubist art fits fantastically in a modern setting adding a cultural, and stylish feel to a room. With so many genres of art available choosing art that works perfectly with your own nuanced design ideas is actually straightforward.

Modern Art – Integrate seamlessly with modern design to create a variety of styles. Can be used to create focal points for minimalist rooms or to enhance existing décor.

Classical Art – Compliments classical design perfectly especially with classical and neo-classical interior design. Creates opulent feels to any room when complimented with rich fabrics, marbles and antique furniture pieces.

Portraits – Compliment classical, neo-classical and modern design. Portraits form exceptional focal points for rooms and can reflect history and culture in intriguing ways.

Abstract Art – From graffiti to surrealism and encompassing everything in between abstract art can work exceptionally with any form of design. In modern design or minimalist designs it creates focal points whilst in classic design it can blend perfectly with other decor to create a complete tapestry of integrated design.

Integrating Art into design

Once you’ve chosen artworks we get the pleasure of intermingling them with our design work. The two core considerations we make are the size of the piece and whether you want it to be a focus of the room. A single, large, dramatic piece can really set the tone for a whole room’s design and we love working around these types of artwork. However, small pieces can integrate with furniture and furnishing to create a complete, seamless room with plenty of points of focus and discussion.

If you’d like help with your art choices and their integration into beautiful interior design don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Author: Carolina Sandri

Casa Forma Luxury Interior Design Harold Ancart Abstract Art
Casa Forma Luxury Interior Design Zeng Fanzhis The Last Supper Abstract Art